Thursday, September 24, 2009

class A Address:

In class A address first 8 bits is used for network and next 24 bits is use for hosts. If the first bit is zero in network side then it is class A address.

<net work- <------------host---------------->>

Range of Network is 0 to 127 but 0 and 127 is reserved the valid range is between 1 to 126 only.

No of total networks: 126.
no of total hosts : 2 to the power of 24.

IPV4 Divisions:

IPV4 is divided into 5 classes,

1. Class A - Public address.
2. Class B - Public address.
3. Class C - Public address.
4. Class D - Multicast address.
5. Class E - R & D department address.


IP version 4 is a set 32 binary bits. There are over 2 to the power 32 IP addresses i.e 4.3 billion address. Thus converting this 32 bit IP into single decimal value is very difficult. So this 32 bits is divided into 4 octets(1 octet= 8 bits) by placing dots in between now converting 8 bits into decimal is very easy. Thus it is also called dotted decimal form.

Example: IP = 11010010101110101000110010101101
Dotted Binary form = 11010010.10111010.10001100.10101101
Dotted Decimal form =

Types of IP address?

IP is classified into two,
1. IPV4 - IP version 4.
2. IPV6 - IP version 6.

The IP address concept is developed and managed by IANA.

IANA- Internet Assigned Number Authority.

IPV4 - 32 bits.
IPV6 -128 bits.

IP Addressing:

IP address is logical numeric address given to the host, uniquely to identify the host participating in the Network. IP address is a set of binary bits. It is expressed in decimal form for easy understanding. It can said that IP address = network + hosts.

What is Repeater?

Repeater is a device that reads the data packets fully and retransmits those data packets with full strength. The Repeaters are used to avoid the loss of data during the transmission.

What is Brouter?

Brouter is a combination of Router and Switch. It performs the operation of both Router and Switch. brouter has to maintain both routing as well MAC address table but it's very complicated job. This is the major disadvantage of Brouter. Due to this disadvantage it was not widely used in real life scenario.

What is Router?

Router is a device that finds the shortest path between in network. It connects the LAN and WAN. Router is layer 3(network layer) device. It also maintains the routing table.

What is a Switch?

Switch is also a Networking device used to connect the host together to form a network. It works in data link layer with full duplex communication. Bridge also maintains the MAC address table. The definition of bridge is also similar.

What is Hub?

Hub is networking device used to connect the hosts together to form network. Hub works in physical layer with half duplex communication.

Networking Devices.

The physical devices used to connect the hosts to form a network are Networking devices. The Networking devices are mentioned below.

What are the types of Topology?

Topology is broadly divided into 4 types.

What is mean by Topology?

It is Physical layout to show how the hosts are connected in a Network.

What are the types of Network?

Network is broadly classified by its process and geographical location.
By process it is divided into two.
1.Peer to Peer network.
2.Client - Server Network.
Peer to Peer network:
The group of individual hosts connected together to communicate. Here each hosts will act as client as well server.
Client - Server Network:
The group of client hosts connected to the server host for to communicate.Here the srever is the master and clients are slaves.
By geographical location it is divided in to three.
1.LAN - Which covers a building.
2.MAN - Which covers a city.
3.WAN - Which covers globally.

What is the use Network?

Network is used to transfer data's between the hosts.

What is Network?

Network is defined as connecting one or hosts(pc's) together.